ALWO THERM is one of the
major manufacturers of professional equipment and technologies for air
pollution control in the industrial environment in Romania. We provide
equipment and installations for surface finishing, pneumatic and mechanical
transport solutions, as well as ventilation and climate control systems for
industrial settings.
For over
20 years, ALWO’s
team of engineers and designers has been offering consultancy, design,
installation and training services, implementing optimal and efficient
solutions, both in terms of technology and ease of operation.
The professionalism of
ALWO’s engineers has led the entire company towards the development of a green
equipment division that focuses on the concept of People and Nature.
ALWO’s exhaust solutions
are comprehensive and can be designed and installed in companies operating in
various industries, including automotive, woodworking, metallurgy, food
processing, pharmaceuticals and many others.
Our primary mission is for
ALWO’s equipment to protect people and the environment from pollutants
resulting from industrial production activities, with significant benefits in
streamlining processes within the factories where they are installed.